- Choose a side and defend it. You must speak 1 time presenting your opinion and use appropriate evidence.
- Comment or respond to someone elses point at least 1 time.
- Cite at least 2 pieces of factual evidence from the sources below to support your opinion.
Use the sources below to help you formulate your opinion. In the seminar, you must cite at least 3 pieces of factual evidence from the sources below (or elsewhere if your show me the source in class today) and use it to support your opinion.
You are expected/allowed to use notes in order to conduct the seminar. I also expect you to take notes and respond to other people's points.
Sources for Seminar: Some present facts regarding English as the dominant language, some present opinions. You need to utilize all of these sources in order to have a full discussion in the seminar Wednesday!
NBC English Won't Dominate as World's Dominant Language
24% of Web Content In China
English, Good for Business Bad for Literature
Preparing US Students for the Future (Read the comments too!)
Q and A: The Death Of Languages
The English Language Dominates the World
Across Cultures, English is the Word
Dominance of English?
TED: Don't Kill Your Language (Subtitles)
TED: Don't Insist on English
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